Integrate with PunchOut Catalogs.

Streamline your procurement process by connecting your procurement tool with the mula catalog using PunchOut Catalogs.

  • Increase efficiency
  • Establish transparency
  • Control spendings
  • Eliminate friction
Seamless data exchange

Seamless data exchange

PunchOut Catalogs are cross-platform integrations. Standards such as cXML and OCI ensure smooth data exchange between systems.

User-friendly experience

User-friendly experience

PunchOut Catalogs allow for uninterrupted workflows and sessions, with users not having to re-enter details repeatedly during a shopping process.

Improved spend management

Improved spend management

PunchOut Catalogs automate the data transfer between cart and procurement system, eliminating manual entry and improving spend management.

Procurement made easy

A PunchOut Catalog is like a virtual gateway that allows buyers to access a supplier's online store directly from their own procurement system. It's designed to seamlessly connect eProcurement platforms with eCommerce systems. With the mula PunchOut Catalog integration, you can easily make orders in the mula catalog directly from your procurement tool.

Get in touch

🤝 Convenience

Your team members can easily make transactions in your procurement system, directly connecting these transactions to your mula account.

🏃 Speed

The automation achieved through PunchOuts speeds up ordering – from browsing to checkout – reducing the time you spend on procurement.

💾 Rich data

PunchOuts eliminate the risk of making errors and save you from having to put in extra effort by reducing manual data input.

⚖️ Compliance

PunchOuts automatically apply any agreed-on prices, effectively enforcing contractual terms and improving your supplier relationships.

🎛️ Control

Through a PunchOut integration, your financial function is able to oversee, control, and approve all purchases with adjustable settings.

🧮 Visibility

Unified data visibility performed by a PunchOut integration aids in continuous cost reduction via detailed spend analytics.

Request a custom PunchOut.

Don't see your procurement tool in our PunchOut integration list? Don't worry, we are happy to set up a custom one for you.

Request a custom PunchOut

Eliminate the drawbacks of manual procurement in only 3 steps.

From uncontrolled spending to an increased risk of supplier friction – PunchOut Catalogs are the solution to several challenges organizations encounter with manual procurement. In just three simple steps we can eliminate them for you.

1. Connect

1. Connect

Book a call for us to be able to set up the PunchOut Catalog integration to your procurement tool.

2. Test

2. Test

We will test the connection between mula and your procurement tool and make sure it works perfectly.

3. Shop

3. Shop

Now that everything is set, you can start streamlining and optimizing your procurement workflows.

Automate all your merchandise processes for maximum efficiency.

Our customers continuously save time and cost by integrating their CRM and HRIS tools into the mula platform, automating their merchandise processes across functions and departments.

Secure & compliant.

Our software and services are developed in-house following the highest industry standards and best practices.

AWS servers

AWS servers

Our application and all other digital services are hosted on local AWS servers.

SSL certified

SSL certified

All internal and external applications and third party environments are SSL certified.

GDPR compliant

GDPR compliant

We follow general data protection regulations with care and respect.

Looking to automate and optimize all your merchandise processes?

The mula platform not only integrates with leading HRIS and CRM tools, it also has a variety of functions to optimize your merchandise activities at the click of a button.

Discover our platform